About Me

I enjoy pretzels

Place: Stuttgart, Germany

I'm originally from Rochester NY. I speak Italian with my fiancé and my in-laws. I also speak  Spanish. And I can order meals in French, Dutch, and German. I split my time between Amherst and Amsterdam where the fiancé lives

Some things I love (in no particular order): 

James Baldwin, RHONY (the early seasons), a really good coat, bees, my friends in NY and Amsterdam, classic Greek tragedies,  SoulCycle (sorry), things involving space, Scandinavian crime series. 

I read Baldwin's Giovanni's Room every summer. 

I do NOT like kitchen islands. 

I really enjoy movies. Here are some movies I think about often: 

I enjoy corn

Place: Upstate, NY

I enjoy gelato

Place: Barcelona, Spain

This is the only picture of me during Beyonce's Renaissance World Tour 

Place: Amsterdam, NL

Here's the greatest pop song ever written.